DIsciple: God of Elijah


Lyrics/Chorus:  So they began to shout, run around, cut themselves

Baal made no reply, So Elijah cried

Maybe he’s sleeping, or busy, or traveling

Or using the bathroom, or deeply thinking

God of Elijah, send Your fire

Let it burn up inside me, melt me down

God of Elijah


If this song doesn’t get you fired up I don’t know what will!  This song should inspire you!  It should inspire you to be bold in your faith just as Elijah was.  If only all believers had as much boldness as Elijah.  He had no fear!  So much faith in his God that he had no fear!  He was so bold as to mock the priests of Baal.  Now that’s some courage!  Where is our boldness?  Where is our courage?  Where is our faith?


          Let us pray:  Father, let our faith and courage grow to be as awesome as Elijah’s.  Give us the boldness to proclaim You every day without fail.  Amen.


1 Kings 18:20-39 (v.27), 2 Timothy 1:7, Hebrews 11:1-2, 6


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