Always in love, 2 John 1:6amp

And this is love: that we walk in accordance with His commandments and are guided continually by His precepts. This is the commandment, just as you have heard from the beginning, that you should [always] walk in love. 2 John 1:6 AMP

This is non negotiable.  We have been commanded to walk in love.  We are to walk in obedience to this.  Being continually guided by Him we are to walk in love. Everything—all that we do, say or think is to be done in love.

If we are to be like Him, then we are to walk in love.   If we say we love Him and have given our lives to Him, then we are to walk in love. All that you have been blessed with is to be used in love.   Your neighbor and co worker are to be treated with love.  The homeless people you see every day: treated with love.  The drug addict or the lady of the evening you see on your way to work every morning: treated with love.  The relative you don't like to be around: treated with love.  Different lifestyles and beliefs: treated with love.  Everything that Jesus did, He did out of love and we are commanded to do the same.

#prodigalpastor #love #commandment #Jesus #devotional 


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Chasing After Him: Whatever he does prospers

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Chasing After Him: 1 John 4:4

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Chasing After Him: Ps. 51

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