Wandering sheep, Proverbs 21:16-17 AMP

A man who wanders from the way of understanding (godly wisdom)

Will remain in the assembly of the dead.


He who loves [only selfish] pleasure will become a poor man;

He who loves and is devoted to [a]wine and [olive] oil will not become rich.  Proverbs 21:16-17, AMP

These two scriptures describe someone who has fallen by the wayside.  They describe a sheep that has wandered from the shepherd, far from the shepherd.  This was me for ten years and at some point during that time I became unrecognizable to family and friends (that's what sin does to you, just saying).  The only one who still saw the real me under all of the mess that I chose to put on me was God.  Only He sees the true you.  Only He can bring the true you back.  The true me is what is finally here today and is here to stay.  

The true me never would have entertained any of the crap I did.  Those who don't know Christ are dead inside.  So, the first verse, verse 16, is true.  When you wander from Him you surround yourself with dead people.  With so much death around you its hard to see life.  Verse 17 is mad truth.  When all you seek to do is please yourself, which is what sin is, don't get it twisted, you will become poor in all areas of your life because all areas of your life will cease to thrive.  I know this because I lived it, especially the second part of verse 17, thus the reason I am two years sober today.  

But God, chased after me! He left the 99 as always and brought me home! 

Ps. 119:176 & Luke 15:11-32  Come home!

#prodigalpastor #devotional #wander #Sheep #shepherd #comehome #grace


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