Jeremy Camp: Take My Life


Chorus:  Take my life, take my mind

Take my soul, take my will

I am yours, now I give it all to You

Listen to Jeremy’s cry! Listen to those lyrics! This song should be every believers anthem! Yes, take my life Lord! Take my mind, my soul, my will----take my everything!  I am yours Lord now and forever.  I give everything to You! Make this your anthem right now, today!  Start everyday with this song in your heart.  This is a song that is a mainstay on my playlist.  It always gets me going and keeps me focused on what is first in my life and that is Jesus.


          Wherever you are right now, pray to Him:  Lord, take my life, my will, my soul, my mind---Lord, I am Yours.  Amen.


Psalm 119:11-12


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