Bryan Duncan: Stand in my Place


Chorus:  You traded paradise for poverty

Created all and laid it all on the line for me

I’m just an ordinary heart and soul

You bridged an ocean to stand in my place


I shed tears every time I hear this song.  The chorus does me in every time.  Jesus didn’t have to do it but He did.  He didn’t have to endure the pain and brokenness that He did; but He did it for you and me.  He loved us so much He suffered for us.  He could have easily called down fire and a million angels but He didn’t.  He sacrificed Himself for our salvation.


          Thank you, thank you, Lord for Your sacrifice for my sins.  I can never thank you enough.  Teach me your ways and show me how to be selfless like You.


John 3:17, Isaiah 53:5


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