Creed: My Own Prison


Lyrics/Chorus:  Should’ve been dead on a Sunday morning

banging my head

No time for mourning, ain’t got no time


I cry out to God, seeking only His decision

Gabriel stand and confirms, I’ve created my own prison (repeat)


On the previous day we know we can create our own storms.  Well, we can also create our own prisons, too.  Yes, all of us should’ve been dead on a Sunday morning.  Yes, sin is our own prison, however, Jesus has overcome sin, death, and the world!  He has the key to our cage!  So, stand up, accept Him, dust yourself off and move forward!  He is the light of the world and He lives inside of you! 


          Father, let us realize that we already hold the key inside of us to break free from the prison we might create for ourselves whenever we are down or get discouraged.  And, if we don’t already have the key, help us realize that we need You to free us.


Psalm 30:5, John 8:12, John 16:33, John 3:16


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