Jeremy Camp: Should've Been Me


Lyrics/Chorus:  You carried all of my burdens

You took them all to that grave

I know You didn’t deserve it

But You took my place

You traded hope for my hurting

You bore the weight of my shame

I know You didn’t deserve it

And I know it should’ve been me


An amazing song with amazing lyrics! Yes, it should’ve been us---all of us, beaten, broken, pierced, and hung on the cross.  That is the price paid for our sin, along with death and burial.  We deserve what happened to our Savior, He didn’t, but because He loves us so much, He came here and died for us so we might have an awesome life; and life more abundantly.  Furthermore, so we can live with Him forever in our afterlife.


          Father, remind us to be thankful every day of the sacrifice Your Son made for us that we might be free through Your grace and mercy.  That we now have a relationship and direct access to the God of the universe who loves us unconditionally.


Psalm 22, John 19:16-30, Matthew 27, Hebrews 10:19-22


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