Ps. 30:2, Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper....

    O Lord, my healing God, I cried out for a miracle and you healed me! Ps. 30:2, TPT

When we cry out to God, He answers.  Its not by chance or coincidence.  It is a deliberate action.  It is immediate and restorative.  In this Psalm, David praises God for healing him.  In the Passion Translation He is referred to as "my healing God".  He is our healer.  He is our restorer.  He is our deliverer.  He is our ever present help in our time of need!  As the worship song sings, "Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God, that is who You are"! 

    Lord my God, I cried out to You for help, and You restored my health. Ps. 30:2, NLT 


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