Colossians 3:15, I said what I said...

 Devo 7/26/23

Let the peace that comes from Christ rule in your hearts.  For as members of one body you are called to live in peace.  Col. 3:15 NLT

Colossians 3:15 is a struggle for us as believers.  I say this because if it wasn’t, there wouldn’t be denominations.  Yes, I said what I said.  Col. 3:15, obviously has been a struggle  for multiple centuries for believers, due to the fact that we can’t get along just because someone worships differently than us.  Different worship shouldn’t separate us, it should do the exact opposite, it should unite us because regardless of what type of worship it is;  it’s still worship, as long as we are worshipping Him.  This scripture really puts Disciple’s I Just Know into perspective:

What makes you different from one another

Why do you argue about who you follow

There is no man that you belong to

There's only one God that can claim you [1 Corinthians 3:5-7]

I don't care if you don't speak in tongues [1 Corinthians 13:1]

I don't care if you're into submersion [Matthew 3:16]

What does it matter if wear a liturgical robe or prophesy

And say God said so [1 John 4:1]

I just know Jesus is the way

I just know Jesus is the truth

I just know Jesus is the life

I know that Jesus is my God [John 14:6]

Do you serve your name or do you serve mankind

Would you feel the same if they took down your sign

Could you sit next to me if I was Baptist or Presbyterian

Or do I need to be a charismatic or Episcopalian [Acts 2:17]

I don't care if you drink grape juice or if it's wine [Matthew 26:27- 29]

And I don't care if you get out of church on time

What does it matter if you praise God with music in your church [Psalm 150]

Or you burn your dead or bury them six feet in the dirt

I don't care if you clap your hands [Psalm 47:1]

I don't care if you get out in the aisle and dance [Psalm 149:3]

What's it matter if someone lets out a hallelujah shout [Psalm 100:1]

Have we forgotten what praising Yahweh is all about

We are ONE body and we are called to live in peace.  If we can’t then how do you expect the world to.


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