Psalm 30:2.... Cry out and be healed!

 Devo 7/28/23...

O Lord, my healing God, I cried out for a miracle and you healed me! Ps. 30:2 TPT

Lord my God, I cried to You for help, and You restored my health. Ps. 30:2 NLT

There's no shame in David's game when it comes to talking to God.  No doubt in David's heart.  We see this as we read this scripture.  One, he called God who He is, a healing God.  He called Him by one of His many promises made to us that has already been fulfilled.  Two, David knows who to go to for help, "I cried out to You for help".  He didn't seek help from a friend, brother, sister, pastor, co-worker, etc.  He went directly to the One who never fails:  God.  And, what did God do?  He restored his health.  David was healed.  He was fully and completely restored.  When you cry out, He will answer.  God is still in the business of healing.  He still performs miracles, no matter how big or small.

#prodigalpastor #miraclesstillhappen #promise #healing #cryouttoGod #devotional


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