Be Wise! Proverbs 13:20

 Devo 8/18/23...

Walk with the wise and become wise; associate with fools and get in trouble. Pr. 13:20 NLT

He who walks (as a companion) with wise men will be wise; but the companion of (conceited, dull witted) fools (are fools themselves and) will experience harm.  Pr. 13:20 AMP

Real talk. As always Proverbs puts it in plain English:  you're foolish if you associate with the foolish.  Be wise and surround yourself with wise friends.  The AMP version says "companions of, conceited, dull witted fools." Those who are full of themselves are dull witted and will only get you into trouble as well.  Arrogance begets arrogance, so steer clear of these people.  Be wise and walk with the wise. 

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