Romans 8:28 AMP, Trust the process... He has a plan!

Interesting that this should come up:  Romans 8:28. 

My pastor, Jason Niesing, just preached on this last Saturday! 

Trust the process...

And we know (with great confidence) that God (who is deeply concerned about us) causes all things to work together (as a plan) for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to His plan and purpose. Romans 8:28 AMP 

It says "with great confidence" we know, so there should be no doubt that God has a plan for you that He is working for you and through you because you love Him; and He loves and is concerned about you. His plan and purpose will always succeed for those that follow and love Him.

He adores you and wants nothing but the best for you (Jer. 29:11).  Stay the course with confidence in HIs plan, not yours.

Trust the process

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