Sit down, be humble, show compassion... Micah 6:8 AMP

He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you except to be just, and to love (and to diligently practice) kindness (compassion), and to walk humbly with your God (setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteouness)?  Micah 6:8 AMP 

Three things:  to be just, to love, and to diligently practice kindness---compassion.  Say again. Compassion. And while you're doing those three things walk humbly with Him.  So, if you have an over inflated view of yourself, this isn't going to work for you because you have to put God and others before yourself in order to do what  the Lord requires.

We need you to "sit down, be humble" and serve God.  Be humble, and be just.  Be humble, and love.  Be humble, and show compassion.  You must diligently show compassion.  Show that you care with compassion.  And when you do, do it well and thoroughly.  Be just. Love. Show compassion diligently. 

#prodigalpastor #compassion #devotional #humble


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