What do your actions declare? Ps. 19:1 AMP

 The heavens are telling of the glory of God;

And the expanse [of heaven] is declaring the work of His hands.  Psalm 19:1 AMP

When you look up day or night, what you see declares the glory of God.  It declares the limitless wonders of God's creations.  It may not have a voice but it's beauty screams God is here.  It's perfection shows that whatever God works on or creates is perfect and good.  It's example shows us that there are many times where we shouldn't have to be heard to show His glory to others.  Our actions should be enough.  Do your actions declare His glory? 

Seen and not heard, seen and not heard

Sometimes God's children should be seen and not heard

There's too much talk and not enough walk

Sometimes God's children should be seen and not heard

Delayed reaction to hostility

Brings us into reality

Cause when we answer in our defense

They can see through the false pretense

They want to see some evidence

Commitment - no more alibis

Commitment - not a compromise

Actions speak a little louder than words

Let your light so shine in all you do

With an answer near when they come to you

Don't let your mouth start talkin'

Until your feet start walkin'

Petra:  Seen and Not Heard, from the album Beyond Belief


Prodigal Pastor Ministries: Does God Accept Me As I Am?

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