Use your gifts wisely, be a good steward... 1 Peter 4:10AMP

Just as each one of you has received a special gift [a spiritual talent, an ability graciously given by God], employ it in serving one another as [is appropriate for] good stewards of God’s multi-faceted grace [faithfully using the diverse, varied gifts and abilities granted to Christians by God’s unmerited favor].  1 Peter 4:10AMP

Don't think you don't have a gift.  "Each one of you has received a special gift (a spiritual talent, an ability graciously given by God)".  Some of you think that you don't have one and it's not true.  For some it just may not have manifested itself yet.  For some you're using it everyday and don't realize it.  Some of us know exactly what it is and you're running from it.  There are those, like myself, who used it, then ran from it and came back.  And, unfortunately some of you are misusing it.  In light of that let's not forget Romans 11:29.  No matter what you're doing you are still called whether you're obeying or not. 

I also believe this covers talents such as music, writing, painting, etc.  God has called us to be "good stewards" of all of the gifts and talents He has bestowed upon us.  That being said, I believe that the most misused  or abused talent would be that of the Arts.  The Arts affect so many people and so many areas in our lives.  The enemy knows this.  Which is why it is his biggest tool against us.  And, why so many times we are blinded by his plans or attacks.  It is why we find ourselves lost after so many years of running from the only one who truly loves us because we were caught up in following something we shouldn't have been following; or we misused our talent for so long we forgot who we really are in Christ. 

Pay attention to what you and your family watch, read, and admire.  Pay attention to what you're listening to especially if you are not spiritually mature enough to discern or understand it.  

Those of you misusing your gifts you're helping the enemy.  Wake up! Stop sleeping.  You and the people following you are being led astray.  Time to use your gift for the King and not for yourself.  I've done that and even though I'm back where I belong I'm still answering for it.  My writing was misused for a long time.  It was meant to be used to spread God's love.  It was meant to be used to teach you His word.  His ways and not the ways of the world. 

Use your gifts and talents wisely.  We are in the world but not of it.  Your gifts are meant to be used to bring this world to Jesus.  With so many talents and gifts out there, there are many ways people can come to know Him.  Do not squander your gifts for the approval of others.  Be a light in the darkness.  "Employ it in serving one another" as scripture tells us to.  Use your gift to serve.  Remember, be a "good steward" of your gift.  Do not be so arrogant as  to think it is yours.  It was given to you by God.  Please use it wisely. 

#prodigalpastor #gifts #talents #devotional #goodsteward #grace


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