Are you spending time with Him? Deut. 7:9AMP

Therefore know [without any doubt] and understand that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who is keeping His covenant and His [steadfast] lovingkindness to a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments  Deut. 7:9AMP

After reading this the day before yesterday and pondering & meditating on it for awhile three things are clear to me: 

We are to understand and know.  The AMP version says "know (without any doubt)".  What does it mean to know something or someone?  It means that we are aware of something through observation, inquiry, or information.  It also means we have developed a relationship with someone through meeting and spending time with them.  They have become familiar to us (according to the Oxford Dictionary).  

Secondly, He is God or God is God; and third, He is faithful.  You can't realize two and three unless you have number one.  Without a relationship with Him you'll never "know" He is God and He is faithful.  Spending time with Him will make His nature "familiar".  Spending time with Him will remove all doubts about Him.  That's what it means to know Him.  He is God.  He is faithful.  

Are you spending time with Him?

#prodigalpastor #time #God #relationship #know #devotional


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