Seek the Lord! Proverbs 21:21AMP

He who earnestly seeks righteousness and loyalty, finds life, righteousness, and honor.  Prov. 21:21AMP

He who pursues righteousness and love, finds life, prosperity and honor.  Prov. 21:21NIV

This is a great scripture no matter what version you choose to read it in.  Those who earnestly seek, those who pursue, those who track down, and run after righteousness, loyalty & love, what will they find?  Life, prosperity, honor and righteousness.  I don't think that's a bad thing.  Do you?  I'm sure you want life and life more abundantly (John 10:10b).  We all wish for prosperity in all areas, not just finances.  You can also be prosperous in your relationships, at your job, etc.  Prosperity doesn't just mean money.  Don't get it twisted. 

To have honor and to be known as honorable is a good thing.  To have righteousness and to seek righteousness in itself is honorable.  How do we seek and find righteousness?  You already know the answer to that question.  Seek the Lord.  Seek the Lord and all of those things come with seeking Him.  (Jer. 29:13, Prov. 8:17).

#prodigalpastor #seek #Lord #honor #righteousness #life #prosperity #loyalty #love


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