Longanimity & Faith, Mark 11:24amp

For this reason I am telling you, whatever things you ask for in prayer [in accordance with God’s will], believe [with confident trust] that you have received them, and they will be given to you. Mark 11:24 amp

As believers we like to quote this passage all the time not just to other believers but to non believers too.  And, it is true that whatever we ask for in prayer we have and will receive them.  But, there are three things we fail to realize about this scripture: belief (faith), His will and patience.

First off, do you have the faith to believe it will be given to you? With faith all things are possible, and without it, it is impossible to please Him.

Second, is it in accordance with His will? Is what you're asking apart of God's plan for your life? Not anyone else, but you. Remember: personal relationship with Jesus. In other words, pray about what you're about to ask for in prayer. Consult Him first, which makes sense, since He's the one who answers prayers and He's your Father. Does what you're asking for fall in line with Romans 8:28?

Lastly, do you have the patience for what you're asking for? Remember, prayers are answered on God's time, not yours. What if it's His will that you wait?

#prodigalpastor #devotional #patience #GodsWill #prayer #faith


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