Who is my neighbor?

15 Now we who are strong [in our convictions and faith] ought to [patiently] put up with the weaknesses of those who are not strong, and not just please ourselves. 2 Let each one of us [make it a practice to] please his [a]neighbor for his good, to build him up spiritually. 3 For even Christ did not please Himself;  Rom. 15:1-3a AMP

The last sentence in today's scripture says it all:  For even Christ did not please Himself.  So, then why are believers walking around doing the exact opposite?  Ask yourself that question.  Why are you pleasing yourself?

Paul said we are to please our neighbors and build them up spiritually.  Who is your neighbor?  The recovering alcoholic or the drug addict, the lady of the evening, the single parent, those caught in adultery, those who are living lives not pleasing to God in accordance to His Word and His will; believers and non believers alike.

Those are your neighbors! Stop pushing them away, body of Christ and stop pushing yourselves away! You do not have to condone their sin, but you do have to love them exactly where they are because Christ did the same for you.  You are called to help your fellow brother or sister.  Remember we were all once the woman at the well, too (John 4:5-30).

#prodigalpastor #devotional #neighbors #unconditionallove #selflessness


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