Help me Lord, you are my only hope, Ezra 8:23amp

23 So we fasted and sought [help from] our God concerning this [matter], and He heard our plea.

Ezra 8:23amp

From whom are you seeking help?  Where do you go or who or what do you call upon in your time of need, if one arises?  Where should your trust be placed and in whom should you place your trust that your problems will be fixed?  John 2:24-25 makes it obvious that you can't trust, man, yet some of you still do.  Repeatedly we are told not to trust in the things of this world when life gets tough.  Psalms 20:7 & Psalms 146:3 are just a few examples that we trust not in the world but only in God.

Psalms 40:1b, And He inclined to me and heard my cry.

Here in Ezra, they sought help from God and no one else.  In every verse where someone has sought the Lord, He has heard their cry.  He always has the answers.  He always comes through.  He is always right on time.  Why are you not calling on the Lord? 

He is your only hope.
He will hear your plea.

#prodigalpastor #devotional #hope #TrustInGod #sought


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